#ifndef __STRINGS_H
#define __STRINGS_H
#include <iostream.h>
class Strings {
enum Directions {left, right, leftAndRight};
Strings ();
Strings (char);
Strings (const char*);
Strings (const Strings&);
virtual ~Strings();
virtual int beginsWith (const char*) const;
virtual int contains (const char) const;
virtual int contains (const char*) const;
virtual int contains (const Strings&) const;
virtual unsigned int count (const char) const;
virtual int endsWith (const char*) const;
virtual int empty() const;
virtual int isAlphabetic() const;
virtual int isAlphanumeric() const;
virtual int isLowercase() const;
virtual int isNumeric() const;
virtual int isUppercase() const;
virtual unsigned int length() const;
virtual Strings lowercaseOf() const;
virtual int matches (const char*) const;
virtual int matches (const Strings&) const;
virtual int soundsLike (const char*) const;
virtual int soundsLike (const Strings&) const;
virtual double toDouble() const;
virtual int toInt() const;
virtual long toLong() const;
virtual Strings sliceOf (const char delimitor) const;
virtual Strings token() const;
virtual Strings token (const char delimitor) const;
virtual Strings uppercaseOf() const;
virtual void append (char);
virtual void append (const char*);
virtual void append (const Strings&);
virtual void append (const int);
virtual void clear();
virtual void erase();
virtual void lowercase();
virtual void prepend (char);
virtual void prepend (const char*);
virtual void prepend (const Strings&);
virtual void prepend (const int);
virtual void remove (const char);
virtual void replace (const char, const char);
virtual void replace (const char, const char*);
virtual void replace (const char, const Strings&);
virtual void reverse();
virtual void slice (unsigned int, const Directions = left);
virtual void slice (Strings&, const char delimitor, int removeDelimitor = 0);
virtual void sliceLeft (Strings&, unsigned int);
virtual void sliceToken (const unsigned int = 1);
virtual void sliceToken (const char delimitor, int removeDelimitor = 0);
virtual void sliceToken (Strings& token);
virtual void sliceToken (Strings& token, const char delimitor, int removeDelimitor = 0);
virtual void swap (Strings&);
virtual void trim (const Directions = leftAndRight);
virtual void trim (const char, const Directions = leftAndRight);
virtual void uppercase();
operator const char*() const;
friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Strings&);
const Strings& operator = (char);
const Strings& operator = (const char*);
const Strings& operator = (const Strings&);
friend Strings operator + (const Strings&, const Strings&);
friend Strings operator + (const Strings&, const char*);
friend Strings operator + (const char*, const Strings&);
friend Strings operator + (const Strings&, const char);
friend Strings operator + (const char, const Strings&);
friend Strings operator + (const Strings&, const int);
friend Strings operator + (const int, const Strings&);
const Strings& operator += (char);
const Strings& operator += (const char*);
const Strings& operator += (const Strings&);
const Strings& operator += (const int);
int operator == (const Strings&) const;
int operator == (const char*) const;
int operator != (const Strings&) const;
int operator != (const char*) const;
int operator < (const Strings&) const;
int operator < (const char*) const;
int operator > (const Strings&) const;
int operator > (const char*) const;
int operator <= (const Strings&) const;
int operator <= (const char*) const;
int operator >= (const Strings&) const;
int operator >= (const char*) const;
const char& operator [] (const unsigned int) const;
int checkMatch (char*, char*) const;
Strings soundexCodeOf (const char*) const;
int soundexNumericOf (const char) const;
void sliceLeft (unsigned int);
void sliceRight (unsigned int);
void trimLeft();
void trimRight();
void trimLeft (const char);
void trimRight (const char);
char* theString;
// Copyright (c) 1995-1997 D J Supel and ISX Corporation
// The String class provides basic string operations.
// beginsWith (const char*): Returns true if the prefix of the String
// exactly matches the client specified character string.
// Example: beginsWith ("hello") on "hello world" returns 1;
// Example: beginsWith ("hello") on " hello world" returns 0;
// Example: beginsWith ("hello world") on "hello world!!!" returns 1;
// isAlphabetic() returns true if all characters in the string are
// alphabetic characters or space characters. empty strings return
// false.
// isAlphanumeric() returns true if all characters in the string are
// alphabetic, numeric, or space characters. empty strings return false.
// isLowercase() returns true if all characters in the string are
// lowercase characters or space characters. empty strings return
// false.
// isUppercase() returns true if all characters in the string are
// uppercase characters or space characters. empty strings return
// false.
// isNumeric() returns true if all characters in the string are numbers.
// if any spaces exist, false is returned. punctuation in strings
// currently fail (eg. "24,888.34"). empty strings return false.
// matches (const char* pattern) and matches (const Strings& pattern)
// provide UNIX shell-like pattern matching for ?, [], and *.
// Example: matches ("?b?") on "abc" returns 1.
// Example: matches ("[abc]*") on "apple" returns 1.
// Example: matches ("[abc]*") on "cat" returns 1.
// Example: matches ("[abc]*") on "dog" returns 0.
// soundsLike (const char*) and soundsLike (const Strings&) returns
// true if the strings compare equally by 'sound', not 'spelling'.
// The method is based on the "soundex" algorithm so best results
// occur in word comparisions as opposed to sentence/phrases. The
// algorithm is 'English' based.
// Example: soundsLike ("Beatles") on "beedles" returns 1.
// Example: soundsLike ("Botany Bay") on "Botneebay" returns 1.
// Example: soundsLike ("Rugby") on "rugbug" returns 0.
// sliceOf (const char) : Returns the sequence of characters up to
// the delimitor. If the delimitor is not found, the original string
// is returned.
// token() : Returns the first non-space sequence of characters.
// Example: token() on " hello world!" returns "hello"
// Example: token() on "hello" returns "hello"
// Example: token() on " hello " returns "hello"
// token (const char) : Returns the sequence of characters up to
// the delimitor. If the delimitor is not found, the original string,
// less any preceeding blank spaces, is returned.
// Example: token (",") on " hello world, how" returns "hello world"
// Example: token (",") on "hello world" returns "hello world"
// Example: token (",") on " hello world,,, " returns "hello world"
// remove (char): remove ALL occurences of the specified character.
// Example: remove (',') on "12,000" is set to "12000"
// Example: remove (',') on "12,000,000" is set to "12000000"
// replace (char old, char new): replace ALL occurences of the old
// character with the new character.
// Example: replace (',', '_') on "12,000" is set to "12_000"
// Example: replace (',', '_') on "12,000,000" is set to "12_000_000"
// slice (unsigned int, const Directions): cuts off the number of characters
// specified. The client can specify which side of the string the characters
// are 'sliced' off.
// Example: slice ((unsigned int)4) on "hello world" returns "o world"
// Example: slice ((unsigned int)2, Strings::right) on "happy" returns "hap"
// sliceToken (unsigned int) : Removes the number of 'tokens' specified and
// sets the string to the begining of the next token.
// Example: sliceToken() on " hello world!" is set to "world!"
// Example: sliceToken() on " $ world!" is set to "world!"
// Example: sliceToken() on "good-day world!" is set to "world!"
// Example: sliceToken(2) on "good day world!" is set to "world!"
// sliceToken (const char, int) : Removes the sequence of characters up
// to the delimitor, including delimitor if int value is true. If the
// delimitor is not found, the string is altered by removal of any
// preceeding blank spaces only.
// Example: sliceToken(",") on " hello world, how" is set to ", how"
// Example: sliceToken(",", 1) on " hello world, how" is set to "how"
// Example: sliceToken(",", 1) on " hello world,,, how" is set to ",,how"
// sliceToken (Strings&) and sliceToken (Strings&, const char, int): Perform
// the same operations as the similar sliceToken methods above except the
// sliced off token is returned to the user. This sliced off token will
// have no white-space to its left or right.
// trim(): Removes ALL occurences of white-space. The client can specify
// from which direction trimming takes place.
// Example: trim() on " xyz " is set to "xyz"
// Example: trim (Strings::left) on " xyz " is set to "xyz "
// Example: trim (Strings::right) on " xyz " is set to " xyz"
// trim (const char, const Directions): Removes ALL occurences of the
// specified character. The client can specify from which direction
// trimming of this character takes place.
// None.
// None.
// None.
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